YNPN-TC 2021-2023 Strategic Plan
Like all of us, YNPN-TC has spent much of the last year navigating multiple pandemics and evaluating how our work fits into a changing landscape. It was, in some ways, the perfect time to take a step back and create our new Strategic Plan. YNPN-TC’s mission has not changed. We are still here to provide and promote opportunities for the development of young nonprofit professionals, and our Strategic Plan informs how we carry out that mission. We adopt strategic plans on 3-year cycles, so our new plan will guide our work from 2021-2023.
This plan serves as a north star for our board members, volunteers, and all others who contribute to or participate in YNPN-TC. When we make decisions around things like programming, budgeting, and communications, this plan will help us stay accountable to our overall vision.
Our strategic planning process revealed a couple main themes. First, a desire to get back to basics and focus on quality over quantity. Second, a need to hold ourselves accountable to ensuring that all facets of our work actively push to dismantle white supremacy culture in YNPN-TC and the nonprofit sector. With that, we are excited to share our new Strategic Plan with you!
Introducing Our 2021-2023 Strategic Plan:

Our Planning Process
We began this process by holding a virtual strategic planning session with our full board of directors over the summer. During that time, we engaged in activities and discussion around four main topics:
Evaluating our past strategic plan - What could we learn from the last three years? Where were there opportunities to celebrate and replicate, and where were there opportunities to grow?
Identifying our target market - Who are our current members? Who are our future members?
The next three years - How do we best support our current members in reaching their goals over the next 3 years? How do we reach and best serve new members?
What we need for success - What information, measures, and mindsets would we need to carry out our new plan?
We left this planning session with lots of notes, ideas, and enthusiasm. From there, we used a series of smaller group meetings and conversations to summarize that information and identify the main themes that emerged. Those themes became our three areas of focus. After receiving feedback from the full board of directors once more, we made our final edits to the plan and voted to approve it in December of 2020.
Our Next Steps
There are four committees that exist within YNPN-TC: Programming, Communications, Membership, and Governance. These committees spend January through March creating their goals that will guide their activities for the year. As we go through this process, we’ll work to ensure that the goals we set align with our Strategic Plan and move us toward our vision for the next three years.