Event Description:
This is a two part event! By RSVPing for this event, you will be signing up for both sessions.
Session 1: May 18, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Session 2: June 8, 5:30 – 7:30pm
The mission of the Threshold of Change Learning Experience is to create and foster a supportive atmosphere that embraces the benefits of vulnerability in the face of inevitable change. During this interactive, culturally responsive two-part training, participants will learn how to:
• Analyze and apply the stages of organizational change to personal career experiences.
• Reflect on personal reactions to organizational change.
• Create a sustainable action plan in response to the stages of organizational change.
• Develop individual performance
• Nurture innovation
• Create equitable spaces
This training will help to make the biggest of transitions to the smallest of changes seamless for you and your organization.