Student loans can be daunting but with the right information, you can become a student loan champ and make consistent progress in reducing and eventually eliminating your loans. During this session you'll learn about:
Complex government student loan programs and payment plan options.
Different types of rules for different loans.
Loan forgiveness programs, including the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
Register for in person here:
Register for virtual here:
About LSS Financial Counseling:
At LSS Financial Counseling, we equip people to take control of their finances with tangible steps and personal guidance that are the key to confidence and success. Our goal is to provide helpful, nonjudgmental support to assist you on your journey to financial wellness. We believe people can overcome debt, build assets and achieve financial wellness.
About Our Speaker:
Kim Miller was drawn to LSS Financial Counseling in 2004 because of her passion for financial education and helping people manage their budgets. She graduated from Bethel University with a B.A. in business and finance. In her years as a financial counselor, Kim has worked for various non-profit agencies in different parts of the United States. She has listened to and worked with many wonderful people of all different backgrounds as they figured out their next steps to move their financial life forward.
Kim rejoined LSS Financial Counseling in 2020 after returning to Minnesota. As a Partner Relations Specialist, she enjoys working with our faith-based Financial Choice partners and local community-based financial institutions. Her goal is to provide financial wellness encouragement in a holistic manner.
When she lived in other states, Kim volunteered her time at summer camps for children and worked full time for a few years as a youth coordinator.
·This is a hybrid event! We will be hosting a virtual component over Zoom and an in-person component at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul. Please RSVP for whichever one you would like to attend at the relevant link above.